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#4 How I Grew My Twitter Account to 1,000 Followers in 2022

I've finally reached 1,000 followers on Twitter. This seems like the perfect time to share what I've learned from my time spent on Twitter, which has been a big part of my life lately, and also reflect on what it really means to have followers.

When I first started using Twitter, I didn't have any real idea of what to do or how to be effective in my interactions with others who were using the platform as well. To a large extent, I am still learning.

I think that one of the most important things you can do when you first start using Twitter is ask yourself: why am I here? What do I want out of this experience? Why should anyone care about what I have to say? These questions will help you figure out where your interests lie so that you can make sure they align with whatever goals are important to you.

Beyond that, there are some simple strategies I used to gain followers relatively fast. In the beginning a decent amount of my following came from follow for follow (f4f). This is a tactic where you follow a bunch of people in your niche so that you show up in thier notifications and a certain percentage follow back. If you do this, make sure you keep it under 20 follows per hour or your account could get shadowbanned. These rules may change now that Elon Musk is in charge but as of now I believe it still stands. Also, I make it a habit to unfollow 20 people who aren't following back at the same time unless it's an account I enjoy. Make sure you scroll down a bit when you do this so you are unfollowing people that have had at least a few days to follow back and again, keep it under 20 unfollows per hour.

This strategy worked great for gaining followers but the problem I was running into was my engagement wasn't there. I was getting more engagement than when I started but not enough to make it worth it. I have changed my strategy to engaging with other people's content more. I'll find an account that has somewhere between 1-10k followers and comment on one of their posts in a way that is retweetable. This way, my post is more likely to get likes, shares, and start up a conversation. I then follow everyone who engages with my post and I end up with more followers who actually engage. Don't get me wrong, I still do f4f but not as much and I stick to following people who have liked or commented on somebody else's post instead of just going through a random account's following list.

My next goal is to get more people over to this site from Twitter. I am workimg on some strategies to do so but haven't found one that is consistent just yet although I have seen some spikes when I post a link to the site in a reply. The only problem is, it's hard to find situations where it is okay to do that without being spammy.

I hope this helped somebody looking to grow thier account. It's definitely more fun now than when I had no followers and met some great people along the way.

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