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#5 Effectively Sharing Your Blog on Twitter

Sharing links to your blog on Twitter can be challenging. I\'ve been using a few different strategies to share links and trying to figure out which ones work best.

I\'ve tried using Direct Messaging to share links, pinning links to my profile, and commenting on other posts in my niche and asking users to check out my profile and sign up. Although I don\'t feel that I have enough reference points yet, I do have some insights on what is working so far.

Direct Messaging: This is by far the most effective strategy for me. Whenever someone DM\'s me about how they found my content, it\'s always because I messaged them about it! The downside is that it takes time to message every single person who follows you, but it\'s worth it if you have time or a team willing to help you out.

Commenting on other posts: This is another good strategy that has worked well for me. When someone comments on one of your posts or asks you a question about something related to your niche, reply with a link! It shows them that you\\\'re responsive and interested in helping them learn more about the topic at hand! Also, if someone has reached out for advice or information about something specific, sharing relevant content will likely be appreciated. You can even search Twitter for people asking questions related to your niche and respond to them with an answer and a link to your blog for more information. The most important thing is to not be spammy.

You should also be frequently posting your blog. Everytime you make a new post it should be shared with summary of what the post is about with some helpful information thrown in. The purpose is to give people a taste of how the post will help solve an issue or entertain them and leave them wanting more.

For example, if you\'re writing about something to do with finance, you could tweet out a short summary of what the post is about, then throw in some random fact that you think would be interesting. You can also tweet out old blog posts every once in a while and change up the summary to see what yields the best results.

I am going to update everyone on which strategy works the best after a few months. Right now my page visits aren\'t great but I have noticed an uptick since I have been using these strategies. I am also going to be testing out some other strategies that I have read about online. I will keep you guys posted on how those go!

Check out this post on how to gain followers on Twitter so you have an audience to share your posts with

#4 How I Grew My Twitter Account to 1,000 Followers in 2022

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