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AI That Writes Great Content? My Experience Using ChatGPT

A lot of people are skeptical of the use of AI for writing. They are worried that if they use AI, their content won’t sound authentic. Others fear that AI will eliminate the need for human writers. Both of these came to mind for me when I first heard of using AI for creative writing. In this article, I will share with you my experience using ChatGPT, the newest and likely most advanced AI writing software to date. Does it help with creative writing and what is it capable of? These questions will be answered so that you have a better understanding of the uses of AI in business.

It took me almost a week to even have the chance to use ChatGPT. It has grown at such a rapid pace that it is many times impossible to get in and use the software. If you try to sign in when it is too busy, you will be locked out until the servers have enough bandwidth for you to join. When I did finally get in, I was amazed at the power this technology had.

I have some experience with AI writing using websites such as to come up with ideas. It did a pretty decent job but ChatGPT is next level stuff. You give it just about any command you like and it will preform the task. What really amazed me is the amount of detail you can input. For example, I might tell ChatGPT to write a story that is at least 4,000 words long about 3 friends, Jerry a tall strong kid who is sometimes quite arrogant; Paul, a math wiz who is quiet and likes to be alone; and Sarah, a cheerleader with a college scholarship for her athletic abilities. I can then make up any story I want with these characters and change any of the details along the way by simply typing in what I want ChatGPT to do in plain English. The stories are many times surprisingly good with some character development as well. It would be hard to tell that it was written by AI and not a human. There is the occasional mistake but not often. Also, when a story becomes too long, the AI can ‘forget’ things but this only happens if there is a huge amount of detail and a very long story. When the AI does this, certain parts of the story may be different or replaced with something else. These are the only issues I have ran into so far and as ChatGPT becomes more powerful, this should happen a lot less.

Not only can ChatGPT write stories, but it can also write code. I haven’t used this feature much yet so I don’t know the extent to its capabilities with coding but if its anything like its ability to write stories, it will be impressive.

I hope this helped you understand some of the capabilities that ChatGPT has. I was more than impressed with its abilities and since it is free, I recommend everyone gives it a try. Even if you are not a content writer, it is fun to play around with and ask it questions or make it write stories. Today, I was unable to use ChatGPT because it’s servers are at capacity again. Hopefully I will be back in soon so I can write more about what it can do.

Will ChatGPT replace content writers? As it is now probably not. If everyone starts using ChatGPT to write their content, I believe a lot of content will become repetitive. The human element of writing still factors in but ChatGPT is the best so far at realistic writing and it does a decent job at adding ‘personality’ to what it writes. Other AI does a good job of creating ideas but ChatGPT understands fine details unlike anything else in the AI world.

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