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Hi, I’m Colin Guild. I am the developer of Journal It! This site is for everyone to journal their goals, progress, and achievements. You can sign in and create your own threads and categories as well as share your life experiences all in one place. This thread is specifically about production of the website  as well as any future updates.

By using this website and posting about your goals and experiences, you will have access to a community of people who are doing what you are trying to do as well. You can collaborate with others, accelerate your learning and become an expert while sharing your journey along the way. I hope everyone has fun sharing their experiences and learning from each other in any endeavor you wish to take on. Enjoy!

(The Tech Stuff)

To build this website, I needed to develop 2 plugins for WordPress. One plugin allows front-end posting so that users can post their threads. The other allows users to create categories on the front-end. By default, WordPress does not support functionality for posts to be hierarchical meaning that it is not possible to do threads unless this is changed. For this as well as a few other cosmetic things I used a child theme. The child theme is how you can see child posts on parent post pages.

I will likely be transforming the categories plugin to be used by all WordPress developers as I was unable to find a solution without developing it myself. All other website updates will be posted in this thread. Comment below any ideas that you have to improve this site.


Hi Journal It Users!

There is a new update out for Journal It with some new changes and fixes. Subposts are now paginated meaning that only 5 subposts will show per page. You can click the side to side arrows below the subposts go view more. This will stop pages from becoming too long and also decrease load time for longer threads. I fixed a visual bug with the login/register links below subposts as well.


Hi, Journal It writers!

We’re excited to announce some new updates to the site. We know you’ve been asking for a way to view all of your posts in one place, and we’re happy to tell you that your wish has come true!

Now, when you go to the ‘My Posts’ page in the menu, you’ll see all of your posts. You can also create draft posts to be published later. After a draft post is created, you can edit and publish it by finding the draft on the ‘My Posts’ page. Next click ‘View’ on the post you would like to publish. Edit the post then click ‘Submit’.

I am working on adding the ability to draft subposts as well.

Hello Journal It Users,
I have added one touch Google sign in for easier registration to this site. You can now use your Google Account to sign in and begin posting quickly and easily. I am also working on getting the registration email to send properly when signing up the normal way. So far it seems that emails are sending better after I made the adjustments shown in this video.

I am still testing this solution further to make sure emails are hitting the inbox correctly. If you attempt to register and don't see the email, check 'all mail' or your spam folder to see if it went there. If registration emails are going to spam, let me know by commenting down below or message me on Twitter.

Your feedback is appreciated.

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