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Business to Business Sales: You Must Help Them Make Money or Save Time

There are but two ways to do business to business (B2B) sales; Two things that you can offer to a business in exchange for money. You can either help them save time or make money. This is what you need to think about when deciding what you want to offer a business and how you want to sell it to them.

A hard lesson that I had to learn when it comes to web design is that it doesn’t really matter how pretty you make a website or how many animations you can do, or whether you do a parallax design or not. All that really matters is whether or not it accomplished the goal of the business you are helping. That goal really comes down to making money or saving time. Spending hours on animations or trying to make the perfect graphic isn’t worth it to the designer and more importantly for the business the designer is working for. Just as long as the website looks professional and serves the purpose of making money or saving time for a business, that is all that matters.

This example goes for any B2B company. Many entrepreneurs and designers want to do the fanciest design they can possibly do but if it takes up alot of your time and your clients time for little return, it isn’t worth it.

That being said passion is important and you should care about making your work look good. All that is really needed is a shift in focus. Your number one priority should always be functionality. What function does your product or service serve. Everything else comes second.

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