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It's been about three weeks since my last post on here and it's so baffling how quickly time passes us by. During my time away, I've made more progress on, avoided falling behind on college assignments, and earned my first credentials in the SEO field.

These things wouldn't have been possible for me without mustering the courage for me to say no to things that don't help me achieve my goals. Whether it's extra tasks from my boss's boss, job offers on LinkedIn, or invitations to join a campus club, I'm beginning to realize that not all opportunities are created equal.

There is a battle going on for my time, and there are so many temptations to be distracted. I have a white marker board that lists 6 or my top priorities which I wrote more than 6 months ago! Every time I feel as if I have no direction, I look at my list of priorities and it helps me to sort out what's most important.

Ultimately, every habit; every task; every relationship that I engage in will either help me get closer to my goals or will push me farther away. The most important thing is that I remain honest with myself and not allow justifications and excuses for mediocrity.
"One step; one task; one day;
one experience at a time."

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