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The Dangers of Linking Your Personal Website on Social Media

Ever sense Twitter began showing view counts on Tweets, I have noticed a worrying trend for people who are trying to share their other platforms or website. It seems as though many tweets that share links are having their reach and engagement throttled. This is because Twitter’s algorithm tends to prioritize content that keeps users engaged within the platform. When users click on a link within a tweet, they leave Twitter’s platform, and this can decrease the time spent on the app. This is a hurdle for people who are trying to promote themselves outside of Twitter that must be overcome. In this article, I want to share some ideas of how you can do just that.
While the most obvious thing to do when trying to promote your content on a budget is to simply share it for free on a social media platform by putting links in your posts, this can severely hinder your engagement. While it can be argued that the algorithm will sometimes promote links that are relevant, newer bloggers may not have the credibility established for this to happen. This is why I am experimenting with different solutions rather than putting links in all of my posts. Let’s dive in!

Tactic #1 Use your Bio to Promote your Content
There is a space in your bio specifically for links on most platforms. Rather than putting links directly into your posts, have your post direct users to your bio to find your website. Your content will not be throttled and you will still be able to promote your work.

Tactic #2 Post a Question Then Engage with the Response
Instead of cutting right to the chase and telling followers to go to your blog, ask them a question about a problem they may be experiencing that is relevant to your blog. After you get some engagement, share the link directly with each user who can benefit from it. This will not only increase engagement on your post but also attract the right audience to your website.

Tactic #3 Use Your Pinned Tweet
For Twitter specifically, pinning a link of your most recent content will attract users who visit your profile page regardless of whether its organic reach is throttled. For many profiles, a pinned Tweet will get a lot of engagement compared to a normal post because it is one of the first things users will see when they visit your profile. Make sure you write a compelling summary of why a user needs to see your content along with the link. You can also combine this with Tactic #2 by pinning a question to your profile for more engagement.

I hope this helps! Remember that while knowing the algorithm and using growth tactics and strategies can improve results, creating valuable content always comes first when promoting yourself on social media. Your goal should always be to improve the experience your reader has when engaging with you and your content.


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