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The Human Touch: Why Human-Centered Jobs Are Resilient Against AI Takeover

With the rise in AI, many people are wondering what changes will happen in almost all fields of work. There has been rapid progression in the power of AI seemingly out of nowhere and now, we must think about how we can compete with or even improve from this new technology. Some things will be harder to replace than others, but in my opinion, the hardest thing for AI to replace will be the human element of your work. No matter how far AI goes, there will always be plenty of people out there who would rather talk to a real person.

Nonetheless, sales will change forever, just like many other industries because of AI but what we must think about is whether this new technology will replace these positions, or simply be a powerful tool that real humans can use to perform better. Computers have always been known to handle a large breadth of knowledge. Being able to tell you all 46 presidents in order or the 5 heaviest elements on the periodic table is seen as normal to most people today. It is the depth of knowledge that AI is able to learn which now has people excited yet worried.

While AI may be able to replicate emotions and empathy, it does not truly have it in the way people do. This is why human connection is so important and why AI will struggle to replace sales people and marketers. Raw human emotion and empathy will become more valuable in the age of AI. Computers are a powerful tool for coming up with ideas and remembering facts. Combine that with human connection and you have magic!

Creativity is what makes us human. The ability to adapt and utilize complex problem solving skills can make us stand out from AI. Routine work and inside the box thinking will be dominated by technology in the near future. This is why we must get outside the box and unlock our creativity.

Collaboration is something that we can do that AI has not yet been able to replicate. In the future, different AI software may be able to interact with each other in a sophisticated way but as of now this has not been done. Jobs that require specialized teamwork will last much longer than things that are done individually.

Skills that require both technical and physical knowledge will stand up to the rise in AI. This goes hand in hand with collaboration. If you are building something in the real world as a team, especially something that is intricate and requires advanced knowledge, it will be harder and take much longer for AI to start doing. Building something physical means that it will take time for AI to catch up to new trends in the field rather than something digital that AI can learn from a quick software update.

People who want to learn and go the extra mile will be able to collaborate with AI to become better at what they do. People who stagnate may end up replaced by the very same technology. Thinking about these things will help you come up with ways to stand out in your field by providing that real world human interaction that will always be valuable.


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