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The Power of Video in Social Media Marketing: Why It’s a Must-Have for Your Strategy

There are many different ways to get your message out there on social media. Making use of text, pictures, and video are all very helpful for increasing engagement on any platform. One that I believe is underutilized by many marketers is video. This is because it is the hardest to make but also the most rewarding.

One of the biggest benefits for making video content is that it will help you stand out. You will automatically be in the top percentile of accounts with quality content when you learn how to do this. The reason being is that you have now associated a voice, personality, and face to your profile in a way that plain text or even pictures can’t.

When I first started making video content, it was a nerve-wracking experience. Talking to a camera can feel odd at first and I had to start over several times as I would forget what I wanted to say. What helped me at first was creating a template of the different topics I want to cover. I still take notes for many of my longer videos now. As you get more comfortable, this won’t be as necessary but still can be helpful for making sure you cover all the points you want to talk about.

No matter what platform you are using, video content can be a huge bonus for your account and also give you a closer connection to your followers. If you are feeling comfortable with video content, try livestreaming to give you another level of interaction.

Creating video content takes practice but is a worthwhile endeavor for marketeers. Just focus on getting better with each video and you will be a video content master in no time!

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