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I've recently encountered that feeling again where I feel like I'm just faking life. Surely it stems from my subconscious tendency to doubt my own abilities. Even when clients verbally express the value they gain from speaking with me, I still have a hard time accepting it. A couple weeks ago, someone called me a guru and I laughed… I guess it's all about perspective.

On the flip side, I'm currently going through the price negotiation phase with another client. One question I received via email turned into an unintentional competitive analysis of her local industry. During my investigation, I discovered that some of the businesses she's up against pay to "steal [their] competitors' traffic" which is kinda messed up, but not surprising. The transportation industry is a dirty game.

I have some ideas for how we can bypass even her largest competitors without the need for shady practices (because I'm not about that), but it all depends on how proactive she wants to be in her business marketing strategy.

Apart from all that, the blog ( is coming along well. I've been making some changes to the site copy as I get a better idea of the direction I want to go. I decided that my target audience will be business owners and my posts will focus on the typical things they encounter when managing their websites. Hopefully I'll have my first post published this week!

Saludos to those who experience "Imposter Syndrome,"


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2 thoughts on “The SEO Imposter

    1. I really appreciate it. I pretty much only have time to work on the site during the weekends. As for clients, I find them via word-of-mouth. Wether it be from artists I’ve supported and partners or people I meet in my daily interactions.

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