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Tips to Finding Your Niche

One of the important aspects of branding is discovering your niche, which is essentially discovering yourself. There are an endless amount of videos and blogs using fancy language that make niche-discovery sound more complex than it needs to be. Here we keep things simple.

What is a niche?
Your niche is what makes you unique. It's the thing that sets you apart from other businesses in your industry. Your niche doesn't make you better than someone in another niche, it just makes you different.

How to find your niche?
Finding your niche requires self-reflection which is honestly the hardest part. A great technique is guided reflection. This is when you write down a series of questions and answer them. This method of interviewing your inner-being will help you discover who you are and choose your niche.

Here are some examples of questions to ask:

What do I like to do that brings me fulfillment?
What do people always tell me I'm good at?
Who are the people that I want to help?
What are some of the issues they have?
What can I do to make their lives just a little bit easier?

…and the list goes on!

Whether you use the examples above or come up with some of your own, write down the answer to your questions and read them out loud each morning. Go over them in your head as you move through your day. As you progress in your building your brand, the answers will become abundantly clear.

Happy searching!

~ Jermonté


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