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Why You Must Have a Personal Brand and How to Start

A Personal brand can be one of the greatest tools in your arsenal. No matter what you do, or how many times you change careers, a personal brand will always give you a huge advantage. In this article, you will learn why personal branding is worth the time investment several times over. Often, personal branding is completely free and only costs you some time and effort. Using social media platforms such as Facebook, Instagram, YouTube, etc. gives you a place to share who you are and what you do.
Most successful brands hire public figures to advertise their company. Public figures will also successfully start companies in industries that they may not be the most knowledgeable about. Whether its Dr. Dre making headphones or Ashton Kutcher starting an investment firm, these celebrities had a personal brand that they used to jumpstart their company. You don’t have to be a celebrity to do the same thing on a smaller scale. Get started on whatever social media platforms your customers are using. Grow an active following using the strategies in this article.
Then, direct users to your website with links to good content that will interest your followers.
Another reason why building a personal brand is so useful is that no matter what you do it will always be there for you. If you build a personal brand on social media with many active followers who like your posts, they will always be there for you even if you make a career change. I would always recommend starting a personal brand with your real name, not your business’s name before worrying about a business page. Once you know that your business is going to work out, a business page may be helpful.
A personal brand is something that stays with you. It is a combination of your thoughts, values, and experiences. It is what sets you apart from the rest in a way that cannot be taken away. Build one and prosper.


There are many different ways to get your message out there on social media. Making use of text, pictures, and video are all very helpful for increasing engagement on any platform. One that I believe is underutilized by many marketers is video. This is because it is the hardest to make but also the most rewarding.

One of the biggest benefits for making video content is that it will help you stand out. You will automatically be in the top percentile of accounts with quality content when you learn how to do this. The reason being is that you have now associated a voice, personality, and face to your profile in a way that plain text or even pictures can’t.

When I first started making video content, it was a nerve-wracking experience. Talking to a camera can feel odd at first and I had to start over several times as I would forget what I wanted to say. What helped me at first was creating a template of the different topics I want to cover. I still take notes for many of my longer videos now. As you get more comfortable, this won’t be as necessary but still can be helpful for making sure you cover all the points you want to talk about.

No matter what platform you are using, video content can be a huge bonus for your account and also give you a closer connection to your followers. If you are feeling comfortable with video content, try livestreaming to give you another level of interaction.

Creating video content takes practice but is a worthwhile endeavor for marketeers. Just focus on getting better with each video and you will be a video content master in no time!

A lot of people are skeptical of the use of AI for writing. They are worried that if they use AI, their content won’t sound authentic. Others fear that AI will eliminate the need for human writers. Both of these came to mind for me when I first heard of using AI for creative writing. In this article, I will share with you my experience using ChatGPT, the newest and likely most advanced AI writing software to date. Does it help with creative writing and what is it capable of? These questions will be answered so that you have a better understanding of the uses of AI in business.

It took me almost a week to even have the chance to use ChatGPT. It has grown at such a rapid pace that it is many times impossible to get in and use the software. If you try to sign in when it is too busy, you will be locked out until the servers have enough bandwidth for you to join. When I did finally get in, I was amazed at the power this technology had.

I have some experience with AI writing using websites such as to come up with ideas. It did a pretty decent job but ChatGPT is next level stuff. You give it just about any command you like and it will preform the task. What really amazed me is the amount of detail you can input. For example, I might tell ChatGPT to write a story that is at least 4,000 words long about 3 friends, Jerry a tall strong kid who is sometimes quite arrogant; Paul, a math wiz who is quiet and likes to be alone; and Sarah, a cheerleader with a college scholarship for her athletic abilities. I can then make up any story I want with these characters and change any of the details along the way by simply typing in what I want ChatGPT to do in plain English. The stories are many times surprisingly good with some character development as well. It would be hard to tell that it was written by AI and not a human. There is the occasional mistake but not often. Also, when a story becomes too long, the AI can ‘forget’ things but this only happens if there is a huge amount of detail and a very long story. When the AI does this, certain parts of the story may be different or replaced with something else. These are the only issues I have ran into so far and as ChatGPT becomes more powerful, this should happen a lot less.

Not only can ChatGPT write stories, but it can also write code. I haven’t used this feature much yet so I don’t know the extent to its capabilities with coding but if its anything like its ability to write stories, it will be impressive.

I hope this helped you understand some of the capabilities that ChatGPT has. I was more than impressed with its abilities and since it is free, I recommend everyone gives it a try. Even if you are not a content writer, it is fun to play around with and ask it questions or make it write stories. Today, I was unable to use ChatGPT because it’s servers are at capacity again. Hopefully I will be back in soon so I can write more about what it can do.

Will ChatGPT replace content writers? As it is now probably not. If everyone starts using ChatGPT to write their content, I believe a lot of content will become repetitive. The human element of writing still factors in but ChatGPT is the best so far at realistic writing and it does a decent job at adding ‘personality’ to what it writes. Other AI does a good job of creating ideas but ChatGPT understands fine details unlike anything else in the AI world.

The importance of taking action cannot be overstated but do you ever feel like you are working hard with an anchor tied to your back. Feelings of exhaustion or lack of motivation are common problems that we all have. It is certainly possible to fix these issues but the solution may not be as obvious as just learning to become more motivated or being more disciplined. Motivation is a short term fix that will eventually run out and discipline may last longer but you will eventually reach burn out. So, how do you fix this? In this article I will explain how I broke bad habits that held me back and how you can do the same.

I was in a situation where I was feeling tired all the time and it made it hard to work and even harder to concentrate. I realized that sleeping was my issue because it would many times take more than an hour for me to fall asleep. At first, I would take melatonin before going to sleep and try to get to bed earlier so I had more time to fall asleep. The melatonin would help but realized that I would have to to take more and more to fall asleep and it may get to the point where I couldn’t sleep with out it. I didn’t want to be dependent on that to sleep and getting to bed earlier helped but it would still take me an hour to get to sleep which took up a lot of time and I still didn’t feel completely rested.

What I realized was that doing more things was not helping me fall asleep and get proper rest. What I need to do was stop doing things that hurt my sleep. Listening to podcasts while trying to sleep was my biggest problem. I have since started listing to soft music with no lyrics before bed and have been falling asleep faster and I am much more rested the next day.

This story applies to many things. You may be trying to fix a problem by doing more that really needs fixed by doing less; By cutting things out that negatively effect your results. In some ways, cutting out things that you like doing but is hurting you can be harder than doing more things to cover up the underlying problem. I knew that listing to podcasts while trying to sleep was likely the problem but I liked doing it so I tried other things to fix the problem instead of doing what really needed done. Look at your life and figure out where you might be doing the same. Your future self will thank you once those bad habits are gone.

The first time I noticed the importance of storytelling was on Twitter. I would see that some tweets would get more engagement than others and many of them had one thing in common; a story! In this article, I want to share with you what this change in mindset and strategy did for me and how you can replicate it when writing or speaking and get better results.

I think we all love a good story and we are drawn to them because they make us feel something. A well-written story can make us laugh, cry or even feel angry – but whatever the emotion, we are drawn into it because it makes us feel something real.

This is why stories work so well with social media marketing – they allow us to connect with real people who have real problems, ideas, and aspirations just like us – even if only for a few seconds at a time!

When I first started writing, I was mostly focused on the ‘how to’ part of things. I wanted to explain the steps to accomplish something as concisely as possible and this certainly has its place but there is something to be said about mixing it up a little. I noticed that some of the most engaging Tweets were personal and had a story behind the ‘how to’. This was the format I saw popular accounts using.

1.) A story about a difficulty they were having
2.) Things they tried to do to fix it
3.) What finally worked and how they did it

This format is a lot more personal than a simple step-by-step ‘how to’ explanation and it gets through to people because it helps them understand the ‘why’ as well as the ‘how’.

Here are a few tips that will help you start telling better stories for your business:

1) Use a story format – For example, instead of just saying “we are hiring”, tell a story about how the person who is applying for the job was looking for something different but after meeting with our team they found exactly what they were looking for.

2) Keep it brief – Don’t make your story too long because nobody has time to read through something like that! Keep it short and sweet so people can read it quickly and get interested in what else you have to say about yourself/your company/product etc…

I hope this helps! Give storytelling a try and you may just be surprised with how your engagement goes up and your message gets through.

There are but two ways to do business to business (B2B) sales; Two things that you can offer to a business in exchange for money. You can either help them save time or make money. This is what you need to think about when deciding what you want to offer a business and how you want to sell it to them.

A hard lesson that I had to learn when it comes to web design is that it doesn’t really matter how pretty you make a website or how many animations you can do, or whether you do a parallax design or not. All that really matters is whether or not it accomplished the goal of the business you are helping. That goal really comes down to making money or saving time. Spending hours on animations or trying to make the perfect graphic isn’t worth it to the designer and more importantly for the business the designer is working for. Just as long as the website looks professional and serves the purpose of making money or saving time for a business, that is all that matters.

This example goes for any B2B company. Many entrepreneurs and designers want to do the fanciest design they can possibly do but if it takes up alot of your time and your clients time for little return, it isn’t worth it.

That being said passion is important and you should care about making your work look good. All that is really needed is a shift in focus. Your number one priority should always be functionality. What function does your product or service serve. Everything else comes second.

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